1) Jesus uses seven parables in Chapter 13 to teach truths about the Kingdom. Which one do you best understand? Which one is most confusing?
2) Jesus fed more than 5,000 people with five loaves and two fish – all the disciples could find (see 14:17-20). What is Jesus waiting to do in and through you if you would only offer to Him what you have?
3) Peter responded to Jesus’ call and walked on water (see 14:28-29). What could Jesus accomplish through you if you took even a small step of faith?
Jesus used parables to share truth about the Kingdom. We explain parables as earthly stories with heavenly meanings. While this is true, parables were also God’s way of getting the message through only to those that really wanted to hear (see 13:10-17). Do you really want to hear from God? Allow Him to use His Word to do so. Prepare yourself each day to meet with Him through the pages of the Bible.
Don’t rush past the miracles of Chapter 14. Jesus took what was available and fed 5,000 people. Peter walked on water! He and Jesus are the only ones that can make that claim. Yes, I know he sank, but don’t miss what Jesus did through his simple act of faith.
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